Jul 11, 2008

Nochi Ato de Japanese grammar for after

Japanese Plug and Play Ghetto Grammar #94
JPPGG #94 - Three Ways of Saying, '...After... verb(ing') in Japanese.

After, After, and hopefully, happy ever... After...
There are 3 easy ways to say after or "after verbing” in Japanese -

1. verb (base TE) + KARA verb (base て) + から
2. verb (base TA) + ATO DE verb (base た) + あとで 後 = (あと)
3. verb (base TA) + NOCHI NI verb (base た) + のち に 後 = あと(ato),

or 後= のち に (nochi ni)

By themselves KARA (から), ATO DE (あとで) and NOCHI NI (のちに)
indicate the English term "after". Put verbs in base TE then add kara to
create phrases of doing something after doing something else. Put verbs
in base TA then add either ato de or nochi ni to create sentences or phrases
that tell us what will happen after we verb.

***So how do I plug and play? Let me explain: First go learn as many verbs
as you can and even a couple of nouns if you like, but ghetto grammar or
JPPGG consists mainly of knowing how to manipulate verbs. Before you can
manupulate verbs you need to memorize the word and also know how to pronounce
it correctly. What are you talking about when you say plug and play Japanese
Grammar? Preposterous! Its real simple. Japanese Plug and Play Ghetto Grammar
works like this:

1. Study hard your vocabulary, or list of Japanese words,

a. Set a goal to memorize 15 new words every two days. This is my best
recommendation for learning to speak in Japanese as quickly as humanly

b. Drill and kill your tango lists. ( I have plenty of vocabulary lists
or tango lists for you to study, print out or do what you... at
http://squidoo.com/japanesevocabularyindex )

2. Memorize all types of Japanese words and phrases. For the purposes of
being able to start speaking Japanese fast, you are going to have to pay
particular attention to verbs.

This is what I would suggest - Start learning
as many basic verbs as you can, and keep them tucked away under your belt,
memorized and ready to go so that you can use them effectively to communicate
later when your language skills in Japanese have been more fully developed.
We can construct almost any type of meaningful communication as long as we
know a few key Japanese verbs. ( Find the first 100 essential
Japanese vocabulary words here at http://squidoo.com/essentialjapanesewords)

3. Take your solidly retained, and newly memorized verbs from your tango
lists and start plugging them into the JPPGG system or the Ghetto Grammar
Constructions found in lessons 77 - 119).
To see the full index of JPPGG grammar construction pages go to
http://squidoo.com/ghettogrammar or just ghettogrammara> to start your plugging.